...door(s) towards awareness: feeling the body
We invite you to explore and open together some doors towards awareness. The 1st step towards awareness starts with feeling the body, therefore be ready for a moving& dancing Sunday evening :)
SHAKING & awakening/ silence & STILLness/ DANCEing/ connecting to your BODY/ grounding & getting rooted/ being total/ breathing/ EXPRESSing yourself/ moving in, LET GO & play ...to bring more AWARENESS in (y)our life!
"Sessions" of Awareness happens on Sunday(s), as follows:
- 17.00- 18.15: OSHO Kundalini Meditation: shaking & awakening
- 18.15- 18.30: tea moments
- 18.30- 20.00: Afro- Brazilian waves- grounding, getting rooted, feeling the body, breathing, polarities dancing
Bring comfortable clothes, that allow your body to move freely. We do a lot of body movement/work, we recommend you to bring extra clothes (t-shirts) to change.
Participation to 2nd part of the programme is allowed only if you do the 1st part (which is a preparation for the 2nd part). You can also join us just for shaking :)
Pre-registration is required.
For registration and details:
Kiran: 0728. 775 498
Jivan: 0722. 555 676
"The body is not the question – you are the question.
When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rock-like being should shake to the very foundations so that it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rock-like being becomes liquid, your body will follow. Then there is no shake, only shaking. Then nobody is doing it; it is simply happening. Then the doer is not.” Osho
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