vineri, 19 februarie 2010

ALTERnative (meditation) Sunday(s) in Studio Experimental, 4 Sept

A meeting to relax our body-mind and have a different Sunday exploring accessible and playful awareness & stress release techniques:

breathing/ EXPRESSing yourself/ being total/ moving in & LET GO/ DANCEing/ moving the BODY/ being total/ laughing/ SHAKING & awakening/ silence & STILLness/ celebrating& sharing bring more AWARENESS in your life!

"Sessions" of Awareness happens on ALTERnative (meditation) Sunday(s) as follows:

- 11.00- 12.00: warm up- movement, breathing; experiencing meeting in/the silence 
- 12.15- 13.15: Hara Stop Meditation- Opening the inner door
- 13.30- 15.00: Lunch(ing)
- 15.00- 15.30: Coming back HERE through movement & breathing
- 15.30- 16.30: laughing together
- 17.00- 18.15: shaking & dance
- 18.45- 19.30: sharing experience, closing the day dancing & hugging :)

Bring comfortable clothes, that allow your body to move freely. We go to do a lot of body movement/work, we recommend you to bring extra clothes (t-shirts) to change.

Pre-registration is required.

For registration and details:
Kiran: 0728. 775 498
Jivan: 0722. 555 676

Tantric Transformation: Body, Senses, Energy, 29.11- 4.12@ Romania

  "Tantric experience is possible only if you move deep into MEDITATION, otherwise not. When you become very very still, silent, aware,...