marți, 28 februarie 2012

Intalniri cu Kiran si Jivan in martie: party, AUM, Trance Dance, meditatie, TantraLife Taste

...explorare, meditatie, conectare, respiratie, dans, constientizare...

Aloha a todos!

Incepand cu 2 martie studioul si-a redeschis portile.

Programul detaliat AICI. Enjoy it!

Rhythms of Life Celebration- petrecerea de redeschidere a avut loc vineri, 2 martie, incepand cu ora 19.00.

Mai jos un moment de inceput al celebrarii, warming up cu muzica meditatiei Our Sacred Earth.

"What happens- the beat calls us out of our heads into our feet- out of our heads into our heart, it's like the heartbeat and when the heartbeat is really pumping in your hips, I think that the beat blasts through that mechanism that we all have to be secure, predictable and have everything under control, to be nice. And the beat just blasts though that cover and takes us down into the sweaty inner sanctum where all the spirits of life live and move and breathe. And that's when things get really nice."

Click AICI daca vrei sa vezi cateva momente surprinse pe parcursul weekend-ului de redeschidere, 2-4 martie.

Si pentru ca o mare parte din ceea ce exploram si impartasim la studio foloseste muzica si ritmul- toate tehnicile pe care le facilitam au o muzica special creata, impartasim aici un video in care ne regasim prin ceea ce facem...Gracias to one of our dear friends we met in Ibiza Tango Love- Irina, for sharing it!

"Music is our unifying force"...

Pentru inscriere & info:, 0724 233 091 (Kashi) 

Tantric Transformation: Body, Senses, Energy, 29.11- 4.12@ Romania

  "Tantric experience is possible only if you move deep into MEDITATION, otherwise not. When you become very very still, silent, aware,...