miercuri, 24 martie 2010

Awareness in(to) Action, 7-13 decembrie '12 @ Studio Experimental


Studio Experimental va propune sesiuni de explorare personala si constientizare prin meditatii active OSHO.
...more energy, more silence...

Despre OSHO si meditatiile active OSHO: www.osho.com, www.activemeditation.com

Info & inscrieri: 0728.775 498 (Kiran), studio_experimental@yahoo.com

***NOTA: Meditatiile active facilitate de Kiran si Jivan sunt oferite ca o practica experientiala. Aceste meditatii sunt recomandate si deschise tuturor indiferent de varsta sau background, fie ca esti curios, incepator sau practici arta meditatiei. Acest curs nu ofera posibilitatea participantilor de a facilita apoi meditatii active OSHO, ci ocazia de aprofundare a experientei meditative in viata de zi cu zi pentru bunastare/ transformare personala. Pentru a facilita tehnicile de meditatii active este necesar sa se parcurga Training-ul de facilitator meditatii OSHO, formare oficiala disponibila in OSHO Meditation Resort, Puna, India. ***

marți, 16 martie 2010

Meeting on the dance floor: Contact Improvisation Jam Gathering

"you can communicate very directly to the other person through the touch"

Aloha, dancing friends!

Jam session-ul va incepe cu o ora de incalzire coordonata si o lectie introductiva in Contact Improvisation, cu Dorin Ionescu.

Invitatia se adreseaza oricui dornic sa descopere sau sa redescopere Contact Improvisation, indiferent de experienta.

"Free improvisation jam

Free, uncontrolled, improvisational movement – with partner, in solo, in trio, with (live) music, in silence.

There is no leader in the jams. Each participant can warm up in his or her own tempo and needs, can tune up for his or her body, partner and start dancing. When the dance is over (duet, trio, group) you can watch the other dancers from the side and can join them any time either with touching them or without it. In the end of the dances it is possible that the pairs want to discuss what has been happening. They are free to do so quietly at the side of or outside the room so that they do not disturb the other dancers.

Each jam is different, in which everybody is responsible for themselves. You can always finish a dance or you can go on with it as long as you like. It is also very exciting just to watch, explore the dancers, and if the sight is inspiring let this impulse take you into the space and join the dancers."- www.kontaktbudapest.hu

- Este bine sa aveti protectii pentru genunchi (se gasesc la farmacii sau la magazine sportive) si haine lejere (minim un tricou in plus :)
- Va recomandam sa ajungeti cu 10 minute inainte

Info si inscrieri:
Kiran: studio_experimental@yahoo.com, 0728 775 498

Studio Experimental este un spatiu privat. Participarea la orice eveniment este posibila doar dupa ce aveti confirmarea noastra in scris. Daca nu ati mai participat niciodata la vreun eveniment organizat de noi, este nevoie sa ne sunati inainte de a trimite mail in care va anuntati participarea. 

Let's meet on the dance floor!

Tantric Transformation: Body, Senses, Energy, 29.11- 4.12@ Romania

  "Tantric experience is possible only if you move deep into MEDITATION, otherwise not. When you become very very still, silent, aware,...